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Touriosity Travelmag

Fascinating World Beckoning Places...

"How very simple life would be
If only there were two of me
A Restless Me to drift and roam
A Quiet Me to stay at home.
A Searching One to find his fill
Of varied skies and newfound thrill
While sane and homely things are done
By the domestic Other One.

And that's just where the trouble lies;
There is a Restless Me that cries
For chancy risks and changing scene,
For arctic blue and tropic green,
For deserts with their mystic spell,
For lusty fun and raising Hell,"

from The Double Life by Don Blanding

Touriosity  cover page

India's International Travel Magazine

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International  Travel Magazine, INDIA

Published Snapshots in Touriosity

Interview: 50th death anniversary of Ho Chi Minh
Editor of Touriosity, addressing a Press Conference in Vietnam in 2019
Touriosity Conference's Personal Meeting Room
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