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Touriosity Travelmag is an off the beat travel journal for people who love to travel or those who love reading travel stories.This travel magazine is aimed at making you a confident independent traveller. We aspire to give you wings by bringing to you inspiring stories of courage, confidence and great achievements from across the globe from people who achieved those feats and realized their dreams because they believed they could do it. We wish your wings will help you fly high and bring the world to your grip. By being with us you get to know that the world is such a beautiful place.
Touriosity Travelmag is a travel magazine by people who love to travel for people who love to travel, be it globetrotters, backpackers, family travelers, student travelers, senior travelers or those that just enjoy sitting at home reading travel stories from around the world. We celebrate the indomitable urge to ‘drift and roam’ and the desire to get lost in the splendour of the world around. We promise to bring to you the best quality travel literature at the lowest affordable price.
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December 2023
Mountain Touriosity
Mountain destinations offer visitors a refreshing escape. Their scenic
beauty, pleasant climate, lush greenery, and a range of activities such as
trekking, hiking, adventure activities, sightseeing, and experiencing the
local culture, make them popular among tourists seeking a serene and
rejuvenating getaway. Each of these places is unique, offering visitors
distinct experiences. This issue of Touriosity is dedicated to mountains,
and for the first time, the issue focuses especially on women exploring mountains. This issue also brings to readers glimpses from 125 hill
stations of India covering many Indian states. Hence, this also can be a
good starting point for future travel planning.
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November 2023
Time Touriosity
This issue of Touriosity is dedicated to ‘Time’, but make no mistake,
we are not talking about Time Travel. The issue is entirely focused on
clock towers around the world and ancient observatories in India. Clock
towers not only serve the practical purpose of timekeeping but also
hold historical and cultural significance, contributing to the charm and
identity of a place. They stand as symbols of architectural heritage and
stand as witness to the passage of time. But beyond their ornate designs
and functional roles, these clock towers serve as markers of community,
unity, and shared history.
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October 2023
Desert Touriosity
Exploring the world’s most magnificent desert attractions unveils a
tapestry of nature’s marvels, each with its unique allure, breathtaking
landscapes, and cultural heritage. From the towering dunes of the Sahara Desert to the surreal salt flats of Bolivia, these iconic deserts captivate explorers, adventurers, and nature enthusiasts alike. In this issue
of Touriosity dedicated to the theme ‘Desert’, we embark on a journey
through the greatest desert attractions across the globe. Readers will be
amazed to know how much variety exists in the world even with respect to deserts. In this issue readers can get to know more about more
than 30 deserts of the world.
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September 2023
Headgears Touriosity
Headgear holds profound importance in cultures worldwide, serving as
more than just an accessory; it is a symbol of tradition, history, cultural
identity, and social significance of a community. They also signify religious beliefs, marital status, rites of passage, or affiliation with certain
groups within a society. Headgears often embody centuries-old craftsmanship and traditional techniques passed down through generations.
Their designs, materials and styles preserve cultural heritage, showcasing the artistry and skills of artisans. This issue of Touriosity is dedicated
to traditional headgears from around the world. There is also an article
about Chinese Opera headgear and a headgear museum in India.
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August 2023
Wildlife Touriosity
The world is home to many rare and endangered species, each possessing unique features and playing a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Conservation efforts are crucial to preserving these species
and their habitats. In this wildlife-themed issue, we have focused on
a few such animal species. The examples of these species underscore
the urgency of global conservation efforts. Through awareness, habitat
protection, anti-poaching measures, and sustainable practices, we can
collectively strive to ensure the survival of these rare and endangered
species and maintain the rich biodiversity of our planet. This is the 21st
forest issue of Touriosity!
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July 2023
Hotels Touriosity
Hotels and other accommodation play a crucial role in the tourism industry, as they provide accommodation and lodging services to travelers
and tourists. Unusual hotels have gained popularity in the tourism industry for offering unique and memorable experiences. These hotels often
feature distinctive designs, themes, or locations that set them apart from
traditional accommodations. These unconventional hotels have transformed the concept of hospitality, offering travellers a chance to create
memories that go beyond the ordinary. This issue is about all these places
where one can stay to make memories of a lifetime.
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June 2023
Petroglyphs Touriosity
The mystery of petroglyphs continues to fascinate and challenge researchers and enthusiasts alike. These ancient artworks, etched onto
stone, or the earth’s surface, preserve the beliefs, stories, and rituals of
our ancestors, providing a window into the past that is both tantalizing and elusive. The search for answers to the enigmas of rock art is an
ongoing journey. This is one of the biggest adventures that travellers
can embark on, to explore these signatures of our ancestors. This issue
is dedicated to all such enigmatic emblems, in the form of petroglyphs,
geoglyphs and pictographs.
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May 2023
Buddhist Touriosity
This issue is themed on Buddhist tourism. Although essentially a type of
religious tourism for many, Buddhist tourism is equally popular amongst
people from other faiths as it helps them gain knowledge, participate in
meditation, enhance spirituality and know about the heritage of various places. It is a niche but rapidly growing sector in the global travel
industry. Destinations that are important from the point of view of such
tourism, are spread across numerous countries of Asia, where Buddhism
originated, and spread, over two millennia ago. In many such countries
the sites lay in ruins, but are important from archaeological point of view.
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April 2023
Drinks Touriosity
In the last issue we discussed at length about the extremely diverse and interesting world of beverages. In this issue we continue with the same theme and focus
only on countries alphabetically from M to Z. Many of the beverages found across
the world are celebrated not only for their taste but also for their historical and
cultural significance. Some of them have been around for more than a millennia,
while others, have existed in their respective regions for centuries. The traditions
surrounding their production and consumption vary widely across the globe, reflecting the diverse climates, landscapes, and cultures that influence beverrages.
For visitors, this has great value, making them desire to indulge in the local booze
and elixir.
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March 2023
Drinks Touriosity
The world of beverages is as diverse as the cultures that produce them.
Each country of the world has, over the centuries, developed their own
beverages based on the local weather and available ingredients as also
the elaborate rituals to go with them. Tourists often love to explore local
food and drinks while visiting places. This issue is dedicated to the rich
tapestry of global beverage culture. We have included both alcoholic and
non-alcoholic beverages in the issue. However, the content being quite
exhaustive, we decided to divide the theme into two issues. This issue
covers countries in alphabetical order from A to L.
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February 2023
Lighthouse Touriosity
Lighthouses have played a very important role in shaping the history of trade, shipping and navigation. Their role in the lives of early travellers have also been phenomenal. Today, they stand as testimony to the glorious maritime history of the world. As we stumble across these gigantic beacons on our travels around the world, we gaze at them with awe and try to imagine the thousands of tales of seafarers that they have been witness to. To bring to our readers this awe and magic, we have dedicated this issue of Touriosity to Lighthouse Tourism exactly after 7 years of our first issue on this theme.
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January 2023
Forest Touriosity
Forest issues of Touriosity are sometimes dedicated to a particular species.
This time we chose to study eight members of the Equidae family, known
more popularly as the ‘horse family’. Equines are odd-toed ungulates
with slender legs, elongated heads, long necks, erect manes and long tails
with tufts of hair at the end. They are physically adapted for running and
travelling over long distances. Equines of various species differ in size, and
vary in particular features although the basic characteristics remain the
same. This issue also throws light on where to sight each one of them.
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December 2022
Desert Touriosity
This issue of Touriosity is dedicated to deserts and it is a true repository of desert attractions around the world. The issue is like an encyclopedia of deserts and includes glimpses of all the 25 deserts of the world and their attractions with pictures and map. From the lesser known Syrian Desert and Chihuahuan Desert to the oft-visited Gobi, Sahara and Arabian Deserts, this issue provides a peek into many beautiful dunes.
There are some articles about unusual desert destinations, some of these being more pictorial in nature.
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November 2022
Forest Touriosity
This issue of Touriosity is dedicated to forests around the world and the
unique avian species that inhabit them. From the lesser known birds
that are endemic to the islands of Great Britain to the most unusual
birds that dwell in the African savannahs, this issue provides a peek into
the world of various winged species. The issue is more pictorial in nature
and provides a glimpse into the beauty of the world around us. Lovers
of the forests, travel afficionades as well as photographers, all are sure
to like this special issue.
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October 2022
Bengal Touriosity
This issue of Touriosity is dedicated to the beauty and diversity of the
eastern Indian state of West Bengal. This region is known for its cultural, geographical and ethnic diversity as well as for its historical significance. We bring to our readers 101 destinations from this state,
which, depending on where your base is, may be a weekend destination
or one ideal for a daytrip. Also included in the issue is An Artists Impression of Kolkata.
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September 2022
Forest Touriosity
Forest issues have been a regular feature of Touriosity. Over the years,
we have focused on various sub-topics in our forest themed issues, mainly choosing certain species or restricting ourselves to certain geographical limits, this forest issue, however, is different. We chose to bring
glimpses of families, love and bonding from the wilderness in this issue.
We have a beautiful article dedicated to the mothers and their parenting. One doesn’t need to be a traveller, an avid photographer or a wildlife enthusiast to read through the stories and find them interesting.
There is also an Artist’s Impression of the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest.
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August 2022
Fountain Touriosity
Even in this age of most advanced technological attractions, probably nothing brings as much respite as a majestic fountain. There are many historic fountains around the world with splendid designs and interesting stories behind. Today most of these historic landmarks have been converted into tourist attractions. Such is their appeal that many modern-day fountains have also come up in many places using the latest technology to entertain people. In this issue we bring to our readers glimpses of the most iconic fountains from every corner of the globe that should definitely not be missed.
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July 2022
Music Touriosity
Music is an important attraction for tourists. Some even go to the extent of deciding their holiday destinations based on the music, art and culture they have to offer. Music Festivals therefore are becoming a global tourism product. In this issue we bring to our readers some very interesting destinations. If music is what you really enjoy, this issue is going to be one of your most favourites. Even otherwise readers will get to know many facts that will help populate their bucket list
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June 2022
Mountain Touriosity
Mountain-themed issues of Touriosity have always been very popular with our readers. So we decided to dedicate this issue to this theme. But there is a difference. While all our previous mountain issues were centred around a mountaineering expedition, this issue is not. Here we have brought to our readers glimpses of mountains from around the world. These mountains have different claims to fame; while some are the highest peaks, others are known for sheer beauty or their adventure component, some are associated with legends, some others remain still unexplored. Mountaineers, travellers and readers, we expect this issue to benefit all.
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May 2022
10th Anniversary Touriosity
With this issue Touriosity has achieved a milestone. It has completed 10 years. The journey has been a memorable one and along the way we have had many small but significant achievements too. In this issue we decided to celebrate our ten glorious years with a recap of all that we have come across. The issue compiles all past thematic issues, the various mountaineering expeditions wherein Touriosity was the Media Partner as also it provides glimpses of precious moments captured by some of our contributors at different locations around the world. There is also an artist’s impression of Hanoi, Vietnam in this issue.
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World Heritage Touriosity
Historical, cultural and natural landmarks have always been on the
bucket list of travellers worldwide. Now that life is coming back to normal after the pandemic and travel is happening again we thought of bringing to our readers a list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India to help them prepare the post-pandemic travel bucket list. This issue contains all the basic information our readers need to plan their future trips to these prominent landmarks in the country. The issue is also replete with beautiful images and watercolour illustrations of these cultural and natural heritages of India.
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Canals Touriosity
Historically, waterways have played an important role in transportation
of goods and trading between regions. As a result some cities
around the world had a very developed canal system. Even today one
can find many such beautiful cities with gorgeous canals at the very
heart of them. While cities like Venice, Amsterdam and Hamburg are
quite known the world over for their beautiful canals, there are others
scattered across the globe that also abode a network of canals. This issue
of Touriosity is dedicated to these arterial waterways that bind the
regions of the Earth together.
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Asia Touriosity
In our series of issues themed on the Asian continent, this is the second and final one, for the time being. This largest continent in the world is known for its sheer beauty and diversity. While the previous issue was focused on this diversity of the continent in terms of its people, culture, religions, geography, architecture, natural beauty, food etc., this issue brings to our readers glimpses from and information about some of the least visited and lesser known countries of the continent. The issue is surely going to be very helpful for our readers in planning their future
trips to less crowded destinations in Asia.
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Asia Touriosity
Asia, the largest continent in the world, stretching from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to that of the Pacific Ocean and home to about 60% of the world’s population, also has the second highest number of countries, after Africa. But no continent in the world can beat the diversity of Asia. This issue themed on ‘Asia’ (first in a series of two back to back issues) focuses on this diversity of the continent in terms of its people, culture, religions, geography, architecture, natural beauty and more. The issue provides necessary information about all the 53 countries and special administrative regions in the continent and lists their main attractions
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Aerial Touriosity
Aerial tourism has been popular, especially in some specific destinations around the world as also with photographers, for the last couple of decades. But the years 2020 and 2021 have seen exponential rise in the interest of people in aerial tourism. The reason, however, is easy to guess. In this issue of Touriosity, we have our focus on Aerial Tours. Various types of such tours involving different vehicles and aircrafts have been covered. All possible destinations in the 6 inhabited continents that one might put in the bucket list, have been included. There is also an Artist’s Impression article on Yazd, Iran.
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Polar Touriosity
The interest of travellers in polar tourism is on the rise. For the adventure enthusiasts a travel to the Polar Regions, being a test of endurance and fitness, signifies the ultimate exploration. Truly travel to the polar areas is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This issue of Touriosity is dedicated to Polar Tourism. The issue seems more dreamlike than real. It covers extremely unusual destinations, adventures, journeys, wildlife, food, Inuit culture and some amount of history too, thus making a reading very interesting and informative at the same time. Away from the central theme, there is also an article on Artist’s Impression of Hoi An in Vietnam.
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Greek Touriosity
Greece is a good place to see the moon, they say. Indeed it is, and it is much more than just that. This country, which is the birthplace of modern democracy, philosophy, politics, art and culture, is blessed with everything that travellers crave for ... nature, sea, beaches, architecture, history, art, good food and more. For long we have had the desire to dedicate an issue exclusively to Greece. So here we bring to you this time a collection of great articles from some of the most beautiful and visitor-friendly places from across the country. In a first the issue also features three articles of an artist’s impression of three different destinations of Greece.
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Island Touriosity
For travellers and adventure aficionados island vacations are becoming increasingly popular. The exuberant verdure of pristine islands hypnotizes travellers, the fresh country air rejuvinates the mind and the body. Adding to the charm of the paradisiacal lands are the tropical fish and coral gardens. In most touristy islands, those willing to indulge in some activities and adventure sports also get ample opportunity for an adrenaline rush, with hiking, kayaking, windsurfing, snorkelling, scuba diving and more. This issue is dedicated to such islands and island holidays. It covers some of the most beautiful, and yet unexplored islands of the world.
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Cuisine Touriosity
Food tourism is integral part of tourism as most tourists do indulge in some local delicacies while visiting a destination. For food adventurers or foodies however, food plays an important part even in planning a trip, for they travel with the desire of exploring local cuisines. World cuisine is so varied and interesting that we wanted to give our readers a sneak peek into the world kitchens. So as promised in our last issue, this time we bring to our readers a virtual gastronomic tour around the world. This issue of Touriosity will help our readers to draw up a bucket list of items you wish to taste the next time you travel to a country.
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Gourmet Touriosity
India being a big and diverse country, a single issue is not enough to cover all the regional culinary treats. So we have covered only half of the country leaving the rest for yet another issue in future.
"Darjeeling: The Foodies' Paradise" by Abhirup Ghosh
"Goan Curries: Seven curries to try when you're in Goa" by Sharvani Chandvale
"FENI: Goa's Magic concoction" by Sharvani Chandvale
"Traditional Dishes of Kerala" a Touriosity Feature
"A veritable paradise for foodies: Rajasthan" a Touriosity Feature
"A gastronomical trip to Kashmir" a Touriosity Feature
"10 Must-visit Food Streets of India" a Touriosity Feature
"Artist's Impression of Saigon, Vietnam" by Joaquin Gonzalez Dorao, Spain
Photo contributors for the issue:
Cover Page photo by Grete Howard, UK
Readers' Page photo by Josip Novosel, Croatia
Editorial photo by Zuzana Adamson, Paris
Article photos by
Abhirup Ghosh, Onkita Banerjee, Shilpi Gupta, Sanghamitra, Soul Travelling, Pushpa Shekhani, Deepak Patwa, Hanshika Dhadda, Shashi Baid, Vinita Lodha, Shilpa Baid, Sweeta Dhadda and Rupanjana De
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Africa Touriosity
This issue of Touriosity is one of those rare ones - truly a collectors’ copy. It is dedicated to the diversity and beauty of the continent of Africa. For a change we are not talking about wildlife, forests or safaris. The issue is dedicated purely to the different cultures, traditions, lifestyle, people, scenic beauty, lesser known tourist attractions and less visited countries of the continent. We have covered 20 countries in all, of these 10 being the least visited countries of the continent and the other 10 being the most popular ones. There is also an article on an Artist’s Impression of Uganda.
"A country less visited: Comoros" by Grete Howard
"One of the least visited countries: São Tomé and Príncipe" by Grete Howard
"The land of the Baobab trees" a Touriosity Feature
"The largest African country: Algeria" a Touriosity Feature
"A country like none other: Ethiopia" a Touriosity Feature
"A tiny nation on the coast of the Red Sea: Eritrea" a Touriosity Feature
"Home to the highest dune and the oldest desert: Namibia" a Touriosity Feature
"Swimming with whale sharks in Mozambique" a Touriosity Feature
"The land of Honest Men: Burkina Faso" a Touriosity Feature
"An Artist's Impression of Uganda" by Joaquin Gonzalez Dorao
"10 most popular countries of Africa" a Touriosity Feature
Photo contributors for the issue:
Cover Page photo by Grete Howard, UK
Article photos by Grete Howard, Priscille d'Arifat Koenig, Amartya Mukherjee, Anindita Dutta, Saurabh Datta Gupta, Sanghamitra and Rupanjana De
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Forest Touriosity
We are back with yet another Forest issue this time. But this is
not just an issue focusing on some national parks and wildlife
sactuaries as our readers might expect, this issue brings alive the
legendary Bagheera, the black panther from Rudyard Kipling’s
‘The Jungle Book’. There is also an article about a road trip across
Guyana in search of the elusive Jaguar. These two stories apart,
the rest of the issue is dedicated to colourful avian species from
around the world. The issue also includes an article about an artist’s
impression of Guilin in China.
“The real jungle book- Black Panther of Kabini” by Amartya Mukherjee
“Birds of Kenya” by Soma Dattagupta
“Birding in Chupi” by Dr. Ranajit De
“Avi faunal variety of Tanzania” by Grete Howard
“Birds of Pench” by Grete Howard and Anindita Datta
“My trip to Guilim” by Joaquin Dorao
“In search of the Jaguar in Guyana” by Grete Howard
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Adventure Touriosity
Adventure Tourism is very popular with young tourists all over the world. Adventure activities appeal to tourists because they allow them to step outside their comfort zone. This month’s Touriosity is themed on ‘Adventure Tourism’ and the issue is a collection of articles about various types of adventures that tourists can take part in. From flying over the highest railway bridge to a trip to a village of former headhunters, there are many interesting stories inside. In the artist’s impression section there is a beautiful article about a trip to the ruins of Persepolis, in present day Iran.
"Flying over the highest Railway Bridge in Myanmar" by Ei Kyawt Khaing
"A Journey to the 15th Century traditional mountain village of Syrrako" by Gaverides
"Backpacking to the village of former headhunters" by Rupanjana De
"Artist's Impression of Persepolis" by Joaquin Dorao
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Journeys Touriosity
This issue of Touriosity is dedicated to Journeys of all kinds. From the comfort of a caravan trip to a challenging road trip on one of the world’s most dangerous roads, from a luxury train that can be afforded only by the filthy rich to one of the world’s most inexpensive train rides that takes passengers across scenic landscapes for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, from a dream bike trip to Ladakh and a walking tour of Bangkok to a compilation of the world’s most dangerous roads, this issue has all that our readers would ever want to know about journeys.
“A road trip through the wild Caucasus of Georgia” by Christof Nettekoven
“Romancing the railroad with the deccan Odyssey” by Mahuya Paul
“Dream destination for every Biker” by Arunangshu Chakraborty
“The famous Blue Train of Srilanka” by Claus Andersen
“Caravan trip- On the road with a pet” by Amit Singh
“My trip to bangkok” by Joaquin Dorao
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People & Culture Touriosity
This issue marks an incredible milestone for Touriosity. It’s the 100th issue of the magazine! In addition we also enter the 10th Year of the monthly publication. For the past 9 years we’ve brought innumerable inspiring stories of travel and adventure from every corner of the world. We thank you for embarking on this journey with us and to mark the occasion we celebrate the ‘People and Cultures around the world’ in this issue. There are photos, stories and illustrations from almost 100 countries in this Special Edition of Touriosity.
“Glimpses of interesting cultures around the world through an artist’s vibrant brushstrokes” by Rupanjana De
“Kalashateibe of Pakistan” by Christof Nettekoven
“Kyrgyz nomads of Afghanistan” by Christof Nettekoven
“Eagle hunters of Mongolia” by Tamar Valkenier
“Orthodox Christian Culture in Ethiopia” by Madhurima Chakraborty
“Memorable experience in Portugal” by Claus Andersen
“My trip along the nile” by Joaquin Dorao
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Prison Touriosity
Prisons continue to be like a mystery, to people in general and tourists in particular. There are many historical prisons and detention centres around the world that are tourist attractions today. Some of them have been converted into museums while others into hotels or other sorts of accommodation. The result is the increasing popularity of prison tourism as a form of dark tourism. This issue is dedicated to prison tourism and there are interesting stories about numerous prisons around the world. There is also an article on an Artist’s Impression of Angkor Wat.
“On a trail of History and Nature in the Andamans” by Jency Samuel
“Prison Tours as part of Dark Tourism” by Rupanjana De
“My trip to Angkor Wat” by Joaquin Dorao
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Durga Puja Touriosity
Like every year, we have dedicated this October issue to the annual
festivities of Bengal. During this time of the year Durga Puja dominates the life of people in this part of the country. With domestic
travel restrictions being eased to a large extent, we have made an
attempt to bring to our readers numerous small and big attractions
of the state so that they do not have to travel too far for the much
needed respite after months of lockdown. There is also a beautiful
article on Durga Puja of Bengal. In the ‘Artist’s impression’ section
one finds the watercolour illustrations of Lijiang in China.
“How to celebrate Durga Puja as Bengalis do” by Abhirup Ghosh
“Durga Puja Bengal’s Biggest Carnival” by Abhirup Ghosh
“Latpanchar a desire to get lost” by Alok Ganguly
“My trip to Lijiang” by Joaquin Dorao

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In this issue of Touriosity we focus on time travel. We plan to take our readers on a trip to the ancient world, one that does not exist anymore. To put it simply, this issue is themed on lost civilisations and readers get to do a virtual trip to the sites that have the rem¬nants of some of the once flourishing civilisations. For the history buffs, there’s a lot information to gather from this issue, for others it is a sheer delight to go through the interesting articles. In the ‘Artist’s impression’ section one finds the watercolour illustrations of the historical settlements of Capadoccia in Turkey.

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After many months and many unique issues we are back with our most favourite theme - wildlife and forests. August 2020 issue is dedicated to the very tall and elegant giraffe. There are articles about the various sub-species of the animal, the best places to sight each one of them and a gory story of a ‘chase and kill’ in the wilderness. There are other articles too, unrelated to giraffes. There is an impressive ‘Artist’s impression of Tehran’ article and one about the mangroves of the Sundarbans. In addition there are also the regular features of News and Horoscope.

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After three consecutives issues themed on ‘Virtual Tourism’ (because of a
worldwide lockdown due to COVID-19) we are back to our usual self with
a uniquely themed issue once again. The Snow and Ice issue has been long
overdue from our end. And with the mercury increasing, we thought this
was the best way to bring some respite to our readers. In this issue we have
addressed Snow and Ice tourism from all possible perspectives - must-visit
destinations, unique and offbeat places, ice hotels, sports and activities, festivals,
wildlife, cultures, tribes and more. This issue is therefore truly a ‘collectors’

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The scare of the COVID 19 pandemic continues, quite contrary to what the world has been thinking in terms of succeeding in putting an end to the spread of the virus. A major part of the world is still under lockdown. But the good news is that countries are gradually opening up, airline companies are beginning their operations. But in order to reflect the true state of the current situation, we decided to have one more issue on Virtual Tourism, hopefully the last one. In this issue we provide glimpses into some rather unexplored countries of the world. There is also the recent updates on the pandemic in the News section.
“My trip to Guilim” by Joaquin Dorao

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In the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic, the world is still under lockdown.
There is no travel and tourism almost anywhere in the world at present. But
hopefully things will get better soon. In solidarity with travel enthusiasts
around the globe who are sitting at home waiting for the menace to be over,
we decided to dedicate our issues during this pandemic to virtual tourism.
In this issue we give our readers a virtual tour of the remotest places of the
world. There is also news from corona-affected places. In addition, the issue
also contains a list of the best travel movies and travel books of all times that
one might want to watch or read now, since travel in reality is not possible.

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Travel and Tourism industry is probably the biggest sufferer during the COVID 19 pandemic that originated in China in January 2020 and swept across
many countries thereafter. It is still a big threat, and although China has overcome the setback and has gone back to normal life, most countries in the
world are still under lockdown. Amidst this travel ban, we decided to give
our readers a virtual tour of the world, bringing them not only the news of
corona-affected places but also glimpses of the most popular tourist destinations as on date. The issue also contains a list of the best travel movies of all
times that one might want to watch now, since travel itself is not possible.
“In search of the Jaguar in Guyana” by Grete Howard

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It may sound quite unbelievable, but in reality the subterranean world is full of interesting sights and activities that regular tourists are unaware of. There are secret tunnels and passages with both interesting and grim history, buried towns and streets, underground palaces and historical chambers, catacombs, subterranean cities, hidden caves, waterfalls and rivers underneath many places. It is possible to make trips to these interesting places. This issue is all about such unique destinations that must feature in your bucket list if you are a real explorer at heart. One also finds in this issue An Artist’s Impression of El Calafate.

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The number of travellers preferring to go for adventure sport is on the rise worldwide. More and more tourists are also adding some adrenaline pumping activities to their regular holidays. No wonder, that destinations are adding new adventure activity options and more places are coming up on the map with extreme adventure sports. Over the years Touriosity has promoted adventure tourism and physical activity, and needless to say, these developments make us happy. This is our third issue dedicated to Adventure Tourism and it has interesting stories of scuba diving, hiking, backpacking and travelling to the end of the world.

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Food is an important part of tourism experience and for foodies, it is one of the top priorities while choosing destinations. This is the third Food issue of Touriosity and the first one to focus majorly on the cuisines of India for inbound travellers as well as domestic tourists ex¬ploring the other parts of the country. While we have reviewed a few restaurants across the country in this issue, the most important article here focuses on the street foods of India. We are quite sure that readers and visitors to this country will be happy to populate their bucket list after reading the article.

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Touriosity comes out with unique issues every month. While some issues are rather expected, some are not. This issue deals with one such very unusual sub-theme, Mud Tourism. Mud bricks have been known to be in use in construction since 7000 BC and the most remarkable thing about mud architecture is its durability and sustainability. This issue features some of the most beautiful ancient mud structures of the world that have stood the test of time and continue to beckon tourists from far and wide. In addition, it provides information to our readers about mud volcanoes, mud baths, mud festivals and more.

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Forest issues have been quite regular at Touriosity. But this one is the first one of 2019. Over the years, in our forest themed issues we have dealt with various sub topics like insects, birds, reptiles, tigers, endangered species, arctic wildlife and so on. But this one has a special focus, one which is very close to our hearts. In this issue we talk mainly of mothers and babies in the wilderness and one doesn’t need to be a traveller, an avid photographer or a wildlife enthusiast to read through these stories and find them interesting. The cover story on the mountain gorillas of Rwanda and a pictorial feature of birds of Tanzania are also engaging articles.

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Travel and journey are synonymous and one cannot exist without the other. Yet hardly do we realise often that it is so important to make the journey memorable in order that the travel stays etched in our memory forever. This issue is dedicated to the journeys we take to reach our travel destinations. It contains six articles that depict different types of journeys, starting from a very nomadic one, to the most sophisticated way of traversing lands. The issue is a celebration of the journey itself, and for a change, not the destinations. In this issue we are back with our News Section.

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Touriosity is liked by readers of all ages, whether travellers or not, because of the real stories it brings from real travellers. We are not dependent on commercials, nor do we promote tourism products for gain. But we do promote places, and the spirit of travel and exploration. And unlike other travel magazines, Touriosity has been relentlessly working at promoting Sustainable Tourism ever since its first issue of June-July 2012. To try and illuminate stakeholders in the Tourism Industry about the need of sustainability therein and the ways and means to achieve the same, we thought we should also dedicate an entire issue to Sustainable Tourism. In this section, we bring to our readers a quick look at the sustainability concerns that we have been voicing through our issues over the last 8 years. The concerns raised over the issues should also help guide our readers in their future travels. The issue also features the excerpts from International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2019 held in Kolkata on 23rd August 2019 with the objective of examining critical sustainability issues for the Tourism Sector and explore what they mean for business in tourism . The objective is also to explore the pressing issues, bringing together the country’s opinion leaders for a day of debate and high-level discussions.

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Mountains beckon tourists for a variety of reasons. Some go there to relax and unwind amidst unexploited and virgin nature, some escape to the hills to find respite from the scorching heat of summer and especially so during the sum¬mer vacations of kids, some are drawn by the mountain and adventure sports that most of these locations have on offer, in a country like India a substantial percentage of mountain tourists are basically pilgrims coming all the way to perform their religious duties and last but not the least, there are people who go to climb mountains. This issue of Touriosity combines stories of all these types of visitors and the various types of mountain destinations accordingly.

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Formation of rocks take millions of years. What we see today is the result of some million years of formation, weathering and erosion. Yet rocks are spectacular because in them we can see the footprints of history and the autograph of the past. Rock-related attractions come in various sizes, shapes, types and genres. We have unique rock formations, rock-cut caves and other structures like temples and obelisks. There are places that attract sports lovers for rock-climbing, and then for family holidayers there are rock gardens to spend time at. This issue covers them all.

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The more modernised and urbanised we become, the greater becomes
the gap between us and peaceful living with nature. To bridge the gap we
often escape from the concrete jungles that we live in and travel to rural
areas to find ourselves in the lap of nature. This issue is entirely about
such rural escapades and covers the regional best bets when it comes to
choosing the places that one wants to travel. There are elaborate articles
about four of the regional attractions in India and the most beautiful
villages around the world

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When we visit places, we often come across beautiful towers. They come in various sizes, shapes, heights and designs. The types of towers also vary - while some are clocktowers, others are wildlife watchtowers, observation decks, sky scrappers, bell towers and so on. Some have interesting history behind them in addition to the aesthetic charm. In this issue we thought of covering them all for our readers. One will be amazed to know about the unimaginably tall structures around the world. Reading through this issue is sure to give our readers some interesting travel goals.

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Waterfalls are major tourist attractions anywhere in the world and one finds them mainly amidst mountains, forests and valleys. During road trips, especially across hilly terrains, one also often comes across small to medium cascades and these are often photo stops for tourists. Keeping with our conviction with theme-based issues, this one is dedicated entirely to the most beautiful waterfalls across India and the world and for those who love cascading falls, this issue can act as a checklist for all the places that one may want to visit during a lifetime

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Beaches are a favourite with most of us, and there are no dearth of pristine beaches around to beckon us every time holidays knock on the door. So, after quite sometime, we decided to dedicate an issue to this eternal favourite sub-area of tourism - Beaches. In the issue we have written about some foreign destinations as usual and focused on a few Indian states and their beaches. In addition there is a snapshot that lists the top 100 beaches in India. All articles are accompanied by beautiful clicks that makes the issue picture perfect.

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Rivers are the lifeline of cities and towns through which they meander. They not only provide the much needed water, in a country like India, they also often are revered as God. The government is also focusing on development of river fronts for making people aware about their historical, geographical and ecological importance. Hence, needless to mention, many rivers in India have come up as tourist attractions. This issue is dedicated to those prominent rivers in India. This is our second river issue and we hope our readers would enjoy reading through it.

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Forest issues have been the most frequent at Touriosity Travelmag and our readers cannot have just enough. Forests of the world are full of resources and stories, the wildlife is beckoning too. So this time we thought of capturing them with our cameras and pen once again. The focus this time is on the endangered animals of the world with a special emphasis on the rhinos. There are also articles and anecdotes on the world’s smallest antelopes, most of them rather unknown to travellers and animal lovers in this part of the world.

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Deserts have aroused the curiosity of mankind since time immemorial. At Touriosity we have had Desert issues almost once every year in the past and each of the previous issues have been liked by our readers, so much so that there has always been demand for more. So this time we thought of bringing out yet another desert issue, but we can call this a mother of all earlier issues. It is almost an encyclopedia of desert tourism and includes glimpses of all the 25 deserts of the world and their attractions with pictures and map. It is a master compilation which we hope our readers will like.

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Forts stand for power and might, glory and opulence, battles and fables and in the modern day, also give us glimpses of history and the bygone days of kings and rulers. India is a land of glorious past, and is quite naturally dotted with beautiful forts, some of which lay in ruins today. Nevertheless, they do not fail to make you curious and have your jaws drop. So we thought of a Forts issue this time. The entire issue is dedicated to forts across India and we have grouped them state-wise. There is also a snapshot of all the major forts in India that comes with a map for the ease of our readers.

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Bridges around the world come in different shapes and forms, some are ancient while some brand new, but many of them are engineering wonders, many have interesting history behind them, while some come with associated legends. To let our readers know the interesting stories and in order to give them new travel goals, we at Touriosity thought of having an issue dedicated to the unique bridges of the world. The issue has articles on cities known for their bridges and there are snapshots on 152 bridges in India and around the globe.

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Touriosity has different types of readers and many of them are adventure lovers. With them in mind we have often brought out exclusive issues on adventure sports and holidays. This is yet another issue themed on Adventure and in addition to travelogues and adventurous trip stories, it also compiles a few destinations that one may consider for exploring. Also in addition, the Backpacking Tales is back after years and in this issue our solo backpacker makes a daring trip to a war-ravaged city of Europe. To add to the stories are the beautiful photos that accompany them.

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Forest issues are regular at Touriosity and we try to bring to our readers at least two forest issues every year. This is the first one of the current year and has a focus on tigers, with most of the articles being themed on the striped species of the jungle. It contains some unique photo features, an interesting one being on the Kenyan wildlife across various national parks with a focus on the seasonal wildlife migration that takes place there. There are also some interesting articles on the lesser known forest areas of the country.

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Given that each issue of Touriosity is a unique one in itself featuring a special sub-theme, an issue dedicated to the seven wonders of the world was long due. This time we decided to tick the box and have an issue dedicated to the Seven Wonders, and that not just of the modern world, but also of the ancient and medieval worlds, the seven natural wonders and the wonders of the seven continents of the world. We also paid a tribute to those wonders that deserved to be in the list but lost in voting. Overall, this should be a ‘wonder’ful reading.

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What started as a passion six years back has completed six successful years. During these years Touriosity Travelmag has crossed many milestones and brought to its readers across the world many unique themes. To mark this anniversary we thought of designing a unique issue. Therefore, here’s presenting a Recap issue that summarises the past 6 years of Touriosity. The digest of the most successful regular features of the magazine - An Artist’s Impression and Memoirs of a Backpacker are the highlights of this issue.

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Touriosity is committed to bringing unique sub-themes of tourism every month. In our attempt to be creative and in order to bring to our readers ‘Off the beaten track’ attractions, we often navigate into totally untouched areas. This issue is one such presentation. It focuses on the ‘Light’ attractions around the world. This issue contains article on Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights and Aurora Australis or Southern Lights and the places from where these can be seen and also features snapshots on the tourist destinations known for their spectacular illumination.

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Except for some specific types of tours like family tours, pilgrimages, vacation in places bestowed with nature’s abundance, and tours for kids, most travel experiences invariably have some element of adventure, and this is specifically true for solo travels and backpacking trips. Keeping in mind our intrepid travellers who are on the search for adventure and unique places to explore, we have compiled this adventure issue. Stories of courage, off the beaten path escapades and rare explorations make this ( March 2018 issue ) a collectors’ copy.

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Mountain issues hold a special place at Touriosity, and is equally favourite with our readers. So we have brought to you yet another issue themed on mountains. While the German mountaineering team brings a gripping story of yet another successful climb, other articles also grab attention. Stories of trekking and mountaineering apart from holidaying make the issue complete. It also includes a comprehensive list of all the hill stations of India accompanied by a map.

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Architecture plays a big role in enhancing the appeal of tourist destinations and beautiful architecture is a delight for photographers. Because of this pivotal role of architecture in travel and tourism we thought of having an issue on architecture this month. The January 2018 issue brings to our readers architectural wonders from all over India and a first-of-its-kind list of UNESCO WHS architectural sites dotting the country.

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Forest tours and wildlife safaris are favourite with most of us. No wonder, the forest issues of Touriosity have been in demand since the very beginning. So, this time, we are back with a forest issue for our readers after a short gap. Nevertheless, the issue does not lack in enriching information and captivating pictures. What is most unique about the issue is a first-of-its-kind listing of National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in India along with maps that would be much useful for our readers.

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We at Touriosity are committed to exploring various sub-themes of tourism and often we find ourselves in the middle of rare themes. This month was one such case. We decided to explore Borders and lines. With the ever inquisitive traveller in mind, our focus this issue were unique international borders, lines, passes and territories near them. The November 2017 issue provides glimpses into some very interesting international borders across the globe that have entered the travel books due to some uniqueness. Readers will enjoy flipping through the pages.

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Culture is, beyond all arguments, an important part of tourism and it plays a vital role in promoting tourism of a place. India, being a land of true diversity, in terms of terrains, languages, food, festivals and ethnicity, presents a unique cultural kaleidoscope to its visitors. Hence, this time we thought of bringing out the cultural attractions in the country for interested travellers. There are also glimpses into the cultural heritages of a few neighbouring nations in this issue. Overall, this colourful issue of Touriosity Travelmag should keep its readers glued to the pages.

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Trees are important part of landscape, be it forests, mountains, coastal areas, cities or villages. Unknown to us, their silent existence adds to the beauty of the surroundings. While most of our vacation photographs do include trees, we often fail to realise their importance in tourism. In recognition of this vital role of trees, we at Touriosity Travelmag thought of dedicating an issue ( September 2017) to this very rare theme. The issue features articles on various tree attractions around the world including creepy trees, unique trees and rare species as also those with a long history or interesting legend behind.

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Touriosity Travelmag has done it again - it has dedicated an entire August 2017 issue to a very rare theme, Volcanos. Although one cannot term them as ‘attractions’ but volcanos definitely deserve to be in the bucket list of serious travellers for the sheer curiosity that they evoke. In the history of this earth many a beautiful city has been destroyed due to volcanic eruptions, millions of lives have been lost; yet people are ever inquisitive about volcanos and travel miles to see them, whether live, dormant or dead. This issue is a compilation of the ‘must visit’ volcanic sites.

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Touriosity Travelmag is known for its unique issues. This time it is stories of the War-ravaged cities that have found place between the covers. Touriosity follows the Wars and Battles trail to discover the cities that have been rebuilt after being damaged during wars and which have graduated to Tourist Attractions of today. Many of these cities are ‘must visit’ locations not only for the sheer spectacle of ruins and destruction that make a chill run down our spine, but also for weighing the impact of loss of humanity on people and places.

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Who would have thought that Rain can be a sub-theme of Tourism; we at Touriosity did! Many of us love rains, not just because it brings respite from the heat but also because many places that are bestowed with nature’s bliss, look perfectly paradisiacal during the rains. And because the school vacation of kids sometimes coincide with the rainy season, we often have to go for holidays during the rains. This issue, therefore, is dedicated to all those places which, due to their sheer beauty and nature’s abundance, deserve footfalls during monsoon.

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Not often do we at Touriosity dedicate an issue to an entire region, because we are more focussed at tourism sub-themes. This time we decided to have an issue on the fascinating Middle East, which is good enough for a tourism sub-theme as well. This May 2017 brings to our readers many facets of the Middle East, starting from its deserts, to beaches, to historical architecture to the modern day metropolis. Cover to cover, this should be an interesting read. The only Indian destination covered here is Agra, which is through the eyes of a travelling painter.

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Our first issue on haunted tours back in January 2014 was very well accepted by our readers and we received requests for more. Ever since we have wished to have another issue to cover the destinations and attractions that we had left out. So here we present our second issue on ghosts, horror and paranormal attractions. This issue features two lesser known places of West Bengal as well as the reportedly haunted sites around India and across the world and the bone-chilling stories behind them to wake you up!

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Mountain issue is back for our readers this time. In this issue we have tried
to focus on the lesser known hill stations across India, while also touching
upon a few favourites of the regular holidayers. For a change, this
mountain issue does not have an expedition story, but brings to readers
inspiring travelogues of trekking both in India and abroad. Our artist
friend Joaquin Dorao is back with his colourful impressions of our very
own Delhi this time. So cover to cover, March 2017 issue would be a good read!

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Festivals are time not only for locals to enjoy dance, music and cuisine,
but also for Tourism Departments to showcase the tourist attractions of
the place with a view to attracting more and more people from around
the world. This unique Festival Issue of Touriosity Travelmag brings to our
readers colourful snippets from some of the must see festivals from across
India as well as glimpses and necessary information from the most popular
festivals across the globe.

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Wildlife tourism is not only the most preferred type of tourism worldwide;
with the readers of Touriosity as well, this sub-type of tourism has
always been the most favourite giving us the reason to bring out at least
two issues on forest and wildlife tourism in a year. This is our first such issue
of 2017 and includes some rare wildlife stories and photographs, starting
from the wilderness of Kenya to the much untapped Arctic regions.
Some ‘off the beaten track’ destinations from across India have also been
included in this issue-January 2017.

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A good destination comes in various shapes, sizes and types. It is not only about having a good beach, or picturesque mountains with cascading falls or one with a green cover of forests with presence of wildlife. In an attempt to give our readers a unique theme, we present this issue based on the Tomb
attractions of India and around the world in December 2016 issue. Team Touriosity feels that the architectural finesse of the various historical tombs dotting the length and breadth of the country not only deserve more visitors but also proper attention from the authorities towards this aim.Grab your copy now or read online at

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Religious tourism is not only the oldest form of tourism, it is also one of the largest segments of tourism today, earning a substantial revenue for various holy destinations around the world. When it comes to the Buddhist trail,it is not only the pilgrims who set out to tour them, people from other faiths also often flock to the sites in search of history and archaeology.This issue is dedicated to the places where the Buddha lived, preached and died and the attractions that tourists, whether Buddhist or not, can expect to find therein.

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Vacation is not just about visiting the mountains, lazing under the sun in beaches or animal-watching in the forests. These days travellers want much more of local experiences while visiting places, apart from sheer adventure. Riding a local three-wheeler or a bullock cart is not just a cultural experience, it is a memory that will last a lifetime. Keeping our tradition alive, we therefore bring to our readers an entire issue dedicated to the unique transport experiences around the world. From cruises and hot air balloon rides to riding a bumpy bamboo train or a pedicab, this issue has it all!

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Vacation in the hills is always a pleasant experience. The food, the local customs,the festivals and the crisp, unpolluted air are something most tourists cherish. However, mountains are prefered for other reasons as well! Adventure lovers often like escaping to the hills and mountains for the much sought after trekking sojourn or mountaineering expeditions. To answer the insatiable thirst of travellers for mountain holidays, in this issue Touriosity Travelmag celebrates the various sides of Mountain. Tourism and brings stories not only from India, but from places around the world as well.

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There is no denying the fact that food is an inseparable part of tourism.
While many tourists make it a point to try local delicacies during tours, there
are foodie travellers who decide upon their travel destinations based on the
food a place has to offer. To celebrate this eternal connection between food
and travel, we bring to our readers a food-themed issue in August 2016 . From a detailed culinary tour in cities across all four regions of India, Touriosity also follows a globetrotter on her adventure with unique drinks in hundreds of countries of the world.

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Castles are beautiful, and often cast a magical spell on the beholder. They seem to be coming straight out of Fairy Tale books. This is not surprising, as most of the childhood fantasies and fairy tales we have read used to revolve round the stories of charming princes, beautiful princesses and mighty kings and queens living in castles. While the characters might have been imaginary, the castles are not. Scattered across various cities of the world one finds many castles that welcome visitors. This is utterly delightful for family holidayers. This July 2016 issue of Touriosity takes you to those dreamy lands.

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Forest issues of Touriosity have been much in demand from the very beginning, so much so that we have been motivated to have at least two such issues every year despite having the urge to present a new theme every month, a feature that makes Touriosity uniquely better than any other travel magazine. Our regular writers in wildlife-themed issues have also got better with their pens and lenses over time; a forest issue thrills them up and we get to have a diverse range of articles and photo features. This issue, we are confident, readers will find to be a visual delight. It brings to you pictures of faunal species from around the world with their interesting tales to keep you glued to the pages.

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In an attempt to bring to our readers newer and more interesting themes Touriosity Travelmag continues to explore unique themes. This time we bring to you Lake Issue. It is a compilation of all types of lake attractions in India and beyond. In addition we have also brought to you a quick recap of the lakes which we have covered in our issues over the past four years. The Photo Feature brings to you unbelievable captures of Volcanic Crater lakes around the world. Together the entire issue is a treat for the eyes and cover to cover the issue promises to be absolutely ‘one of a kind’.

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Mountain issues have been a regular thing with Touriosity Travelmag. In fact the very first issue of the magazine was themed on mountains. Once again to answer the indomitable call of the mountains we bring to our readers yet another information-packed mountain issue. As usual April 2016 issue is full of destination articles as well as stories of successful mountaineering expeditions. Photo Feature brings spectacular shots from Cherrapunji. The rest of the articles also present excellent treat for the eyes. An Artist’s Impression is back in this issue.

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The appeal of forests as tourist destinations never seems to fade away. Wildlife tourism has always been on demand and continues to account for a major share of revenue in the worldwide tourism even today. While Touriosity Travelmag has, from the very beginning, been bringing extraordinary forest issues with spectacular photographs regularly, this time we thought of making it a little different by putting our focus on the Avian Species across India and around the world. March 2016 issue has an enviable collection of photographs and articles packed with travel information. With all that this issue promises to be yet another Collectors’ Copy.

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The tremendous touristic appeal and importance of lighthouses around the world are often neglected in travel literature. Nevertheless, as visitors to faraway lands, whenever we stumble across these gigantic beacons that have been showing the way to seafarers since time immemorial, we find ourselves standing still, dedicating some moments for appreciating their role in the history of navigation. They are surrounded by a mystic charm and have thousands of tales of seamen and their great escapes that may simply mesmerize us. At Touriosity Travelmag we thought of dedicating an entire issue to lighthouses. So here we are with the February 2016 issue. An Artist’s Impression is also back in this issue.

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While rivers in many countries tell us the tales of historical development of
the civilisations around, in addition, rivers in India are often also regarded
as ‘Sacred’ and are revered as deities in Hindu Mythology. But the diverse
country also offers a lot of diversity in terms of river tourism, from river rafting, elephant safaris on shallow rivers, angling, fishing and cruising, rivers
along the length and breadth of the country can be amazing deciding factors
in choosing your vacation destination. In this River Touriosity issue we
present to our readers a bouquet of varied destinations around the world
that promise to give you wonderful memories.
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Adventure sports have always been an integral part of tourism. With growing interest of holidayers in adrenaline rush more and more tour operators are including innovative sports in their packages. Apart from these adventure sports this issue also includes tourism for the purpose of taking part in sporting events worldwide. Local sports that are gaining popularity with tourists have also been listed. From this December 2015 issue get to know more about all physical activities you can include in your next holiday!

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The Seas and Oceans of the world always beckon us. With human settlement
restricted only to a quarter of the Earth’s surface, and with most of
these vast waterbodies remaining unexplored to mankind, they appear like a
true mystery. There are just so many things about them that attract us - the
beaches, the islands, the luxurious cruises, the marine life, the adventure activities and so on. November 2015 issue of Touriosity is an attempt to compile everything that is somehow connected to the seas.

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Forest or Wildlife-themed issue of Touriosity Travelmag has, since the very inception, been a favourite with our readers all over the world. So after a gap of nine months we are here with our fifth forest issue. This issue brings to our readers stories and amazing pictures from some National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries off the beaten path. We have also included travelogues from the more popular forest areas of the country in an attempt to add to the diversity and sheer appeal of this issue (October 2015).