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  • Comment | Touriosity | India

    Travel magazine, Travel news, Best travel magazine around the world

  • Testimonial | Touriosity | India

    Testimonials by Readers most popular travel magazines - budget travel magazine - International Travel magazine - Tourism Magazine -​

  • Editor | Touriosity | India

    Rupanjana De Rupanjana De is by education an Economist and Lawyer and by profession a Practising Company Secretary whose office hours are consumed up in legal and secretarial compliances, litigations and consultation. At heart she is an avid writer, a passionate traveller and a food enthusiast. So when she gets those much awaited breaks, she does not think twice before escaping from the hustle and bustle of city life to take refuge in the lap of nature in faraway lands. Her passion for writing, travelling and photography resulted in the birth of Touriosity Travelmag, the first of its kind theme-based creative travel magazine in India, and perhaps globally too. She is the Editor of the magazine and ensures that with each issue the door to a new world is opened to readers. With her unique thinking she has been able to steer the publication across 8 successful years and looks forward to the future with much optimism. Further information on Ms De is an excellent social media influencer especially on Facebook. She can be reached at ​ ​ ​ Editorial enquiry Submit Thanks for submitting! +91 9836511995

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