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  • Comment | Touriosity | India

    Travel magazine, Travel news, Best travel magazine around the world

  • Testimonial | Touriosity | India

    Testimonials by Readers most popular travel magazines - budget travel magazine - International Travel magazine - Tourism Magazine -​

  • Editor | Touriosity | India

    Rupanjana De Rupanjana De is by education an Economist and Lawyer and by profession a Practising Company Secretary whose office hours are consumed up in legal and secretarial compliances, litigations and consultation. At heart she is an avid writer, a passionate traveller and a food enthusiast. So when she gets those much awaited breaks, she does not think twice before escaping from the hustle and bustle of city life to take refuge in the lap of nature in faraway lands. Her passion for writing, travelling and photography resulted in the birth of Touriosity Travelmag, the first of its kind theme-based creative travel magazine in India, and perhaps globally too. She is the Editor of the magazine and ensures that with each issue the door to a new world is opened to readers. With her unique thinking she has been able to steer the publication across 8 successful years and looks forward to the future with much optimism. Further information on Ms De is an excellent social media influencer especially on Facebook. She can be reached at ​ ​ ​ Editorial enquiry Submit Thanks for submitting! +91 9836511995

  • Media Partnership | Touriosity | India

    Media Partner Over the years Touriosity has been a media partner of the following esteemed events all across the globe. KTM 2022 ATF Brunei 2020 MKTE 2019 ITE HCMC 2019 Goa International Travel Mart 2019 ITB Asia 2019 Karnataka International Travel Expo 2019 ITB Asia 2018 ITB Asia 2017 Mugu Expedition 2017 ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 Mountaineering Expedition in Karakorum Mountain Range, Pakistan, 2016 Creative Tourism Network, Spain Bishnupur Festival 2015, Bishnupur, West Bengal, India Official Media Partner ITB Asia 2017 Mountaineering and Paragliding expedition in Shaksgam Mountain Range, China, 2014 Travel East, 2013,2014.2015 organised by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) at Kolkata Mountaineering and Paragliding expedition in Karakorum Mountain Range, Pakistan, 2013. Mountaineering and Paragliding expedition in Pamir Mountain Range, Afghanistan, 201

  • As Research Reference | TOURIOSITY

    Touriosity as Research Reference Touriosity has been referred in research project of Svetlana Ryzhakova in the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Science J. Indian Anthrop. Soc. 56(2): 237-253(2021) Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society (ISSN 0019-4387) ©The Indian Anthropological Society. “Tribal Dance” in India: a concept, a category and an ethnographic reality SVETLANA RYZHAKOVA Research fellow in Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow For details

  • Media Reports on Touriosity | Touriosity | India

    Media Reports on Touriosity Touriosity- a theme-based travel magazine 1. Link of the Nghe An articles’s newspapers: ​ ​ 2. Link of Nghe An TV news: (Video) ​ 3. Thanh Hoa articles’s newspapers: 4. 5. 6. Link of Thanh Hoa TV news: (Please choose at 11min 14sec) (Video) 7. (Please choose at 11min 55sec)(Video)

  • Contact | Touriosity | India

    If you are looking for a job Submit Thanks for submitting! most popular travel magazines - budget travel magazine - International Travel magazine - Tourism Magazine -​

  • Job Vacancy | TOURIOSITY | India

    You can also send your CV to Select Position Apply Now Thanks for submitting!

  • First Website | Touriosity | India

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  • About |Touriosity | West Bengal

    關於我們 歡迎來到旅遊旅行世界。 我們是一本旅遊雜誌,可滿足所有類型旅客的需求。我們不僅有來自世界各地的屢獲殊榮的旅行作家,而且還包括真正的環球旅行者,大膽的背包客和上癮的旅行者,他們熱衷於在最小的機會中迷失自己,從而獲得有趣而鼓舞人心的旅行故事。我們根據旅行者的經驗而不是僅僅基於旅行時尚來選擇旅行目的地。我們只為您帶來關於真正的逍遙遊的真實旅行故事,而沒有任何廣告。我們的作家走遍了既定的路線,發現了世界上奇妙而鮮為人知的角落,並為您帶來了各種各樣的個人旅行經歷。 觀光活動著眼於既有趣又實惠的目的地。自然,我們的選擇既是經典目的地,也是新興的目的地。除了關於著名和鮮為人知的旅行目的地的文章之外,我們還為您帶來最好的旅行文學,環球旅行者的旅行日記,背包客,登山者,徒步旅行者和自行車手的故事,單身旅行者的遊記,女性旅行者的經歷,旅行觀點藝術家,旅行詩人和旅行漫畫家,以及旅行技巧,旅行八卦和旅行優惠。我們將幫助您成為有遠見的旅行者,他們的目的地是印度和國外。 這本旅行雜誌旨在使您成為自信的獨立旅行者。我們渴望為您帶來翅膀,通過鼓舞人心的故事來鼓舞您,他們獲得了來自世界各地的成就,實現夢想的人們的勇氣,信心和巨大成就,因為他們相信自己可以做到。我們希望您的翅膀能幫助您飛得更高,並讓您抓緊整個世界。通過與我們在一起,您將了解到世界是如此美麗。 我們相信您希望瀏覽我們的網站並向我們發送您的寶貴建議。我們期待您的反饋。 旅途愉快! “世界是一本書,那些不旅行的人只能閱讀一頁。” –聖奧古斯丁 如果您是作家/作家/自由職業者,並找到機會為Touriosity做貢獻 如果您擁有旅遊地產,並希望在Touriosity中尋找編輯功能 如果您要組織旅遊會議,博覽會,活動,並希望Touriosity作為媒體合作夥伴參加 如果您想將Touriosity撰寫為領先的Travel Magazine 如果您擁有酒店,度假村和任何類型的旅遊物業,併計劃在Touriosity上發表您的評論 如果您是公共關係局,並希望代表您的客戶發布新聞稿 如果您是廣告商並且在Touriosity中尋找空間 歡迎您填寫以下表格 Submit Thanks for submitting! Let's work together

  • Travel magazine | Touriosity | India

    迷人的世界召喚場所... “生活將會多麼簡單 如果我只有兩個 不安的我漂泊和漫遊 安靜我待在家裡。 搜索者找到他的填充 各種各樣的天空和新發現的快感 當理智而樸實的事情完成時 受到國內其他人的好評。 這就是麻煩所在。 有一個不安的我哭泣 對於潛在風險和不斷變化的場景, 對於北極藍和熱帶綠, 對於擁有神秘魔咒的沙漠, 為了好玩,提高地獄,” 摘自Don Blanding的《雙重生活》 India's International Travel Magazine 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 International Travel Magazine, INDIA Published Snapshots in Touriosity 播放影片 播放影片 01:40 Touriosity Travelmag Interview: 50th death anniversary of Ho Chi Minh 播放影片 播放影片 01:28 Touriosity Travelmag Editor of Touriosity, addressing a Press Conference in Vietnam in 2019 播放影片 播放影片 01:17:47 Touriosity Travelmag ICST 2020 Session 6: International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2020 Organised by Touriosity Travelmag 21 st -22nd August 2020. Conducted on Digital platform. Topic: Disconnect between Stock Market and Real Economy – a conundrum 播放影片 播放影片 01:07:50 Touriosity Travelmag ICST 2020 Session 5: International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2020 Organised by Touriosity Travelmag 21 st -22nd August 2020. Conducted on Digital platform. Topic: Sector-wise scenario of Economic Future in Post COVID times 播放影片 播放影片 01:12:01 Touriosity Travelmag ICST 2020 Session 4: International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2020 Organised by Touriosity Travelmag 21 st -22nd August 2020. Conducted on Digital platform. 播放影片 播放影片 49:27 Touriosity Travelmag ICST 2020 Session 3: International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2020 Organised by Touriosity Travelmag 21 st -22nd August 2020. Conducted on Digital platform. Topic: Rebuilding a global workforce – The role of professionals 播放影片 播放影片 57:46 Touriosity Travelmag ICST 2020 Session 2: International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2020 Organised by Touriosity Travelmag 21 st -22nd August 2020. Conducted on Digital platform. Topic: Sustainable Development: The Best Practices 播放影片 播放影片 01:01:23 Touriosity Travelmag ICST 2020 Session 1: International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2020 Organised by Touriosity Travelmag 21 st -22nd August 2020. Conducted on Digital platform. Topic: Sustainable Tourism Benchmarking Tool (STBT): Leakages and Linkages 播放影片 播放影片 01:12:09 Touriosity Travelmag Touriosity Conference's Personal Meeting Room 載入更多

  • New Page | TOURIOSITY

    HIS SERVICE MAY CONTAIN TRANSLATIONS POWERED BY GOOGLE. GOOGLE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATED TO THE TRANSLATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. The Touriosity Travelmag website has been translated for your convenience using translation software powered by Google Translate. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace human translators. Translations are provided as a service to users of the Touriosity Travelmag website, and are provided "as is." No warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of any translations made from English into any other language. Some content (such as images, videos, Flash, etc.) may not be accurately translated due to the limitations of the translation software. The official text is the English version of the website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated website, refer to the English version of the website which is the official version. ​

  • Plans & Pricing | TOURIOSITY | India

    選擇您的定價方案 Student Plan ₹ 200 200₹ 每 1 個月 Student and Researchers 選擇 12 issues Silver Membership ₹ 100 100₹ 每 1 週 You can post related your tourism product and services. 選擇 Each post costs $1 or INR 50

  • 2020 | Touriosity | India

    Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Jan 20 March, 2020 April 2020 Touriosity January 2020.pdf

  • Latest Travel News | Touriosity | India

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  • Editorial Coverage | TOURIOSITY | India

    - International Travel magazine - ATF 2020 Report in Touriosity In January 2020 issue (60 pages) of Touriosity magazine. 3 pages have been exclusively dedicated to ATF Brunei 2020 and Brunei China Year of Tourism (pgs 54, 55 and 56). In addition, our Editor, who visited Brunei during the programme, has also written about Brunei in her Editorial (pg 3) Apart from these we have also shared various news and media updates from Brunei during the ATF 2020. Some photos and videos on Brunei tourist attractions were also shared by our Editor in her Facebook Profile Rupanjana De and her Instagram handle which garnered up to 420 Likes. ATF 2020 Report in Touriosity.pdf

  • Forum | Touriosity | India

    若要查看作用方式,請前往您的即時網站。 類別 所有文章 我的文章 登入/註冊 Create New Post India Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 1 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture Europe Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture Canada Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture China Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Brazil Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Turkey Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Germany 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. United Kingdom Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. France Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Malaysia Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Japan Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Saudi Arabia Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Netherlands Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Review and Discussions on Destinations, People, Culture, Food Hotels, Airlines etc. Ecuador Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture Nepal 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture Asia Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture United States of America 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 1 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture Singapore 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food, Lifestyle,Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Russia Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Italy Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Mexico Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Thailand Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Spain Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Austria Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. Greece 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. South Korea 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews and discussions on Destinations,People, Culture, Food, Lifestyle,Hotels, Airlines etc. Poland Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 People, Culture, Food Destinations, Hotels, Airlines etc. UAE Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture Vietnam Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture Cambodia Forum 追蹤 瀏覽次數 貼文次數 0 Reviews on Destinations , Hotels, Transports, Foods, Culture 新文章 locusally 2023年2月25日 Latam airlines cheap flights booking United States of America We are a professional travel company founded and specializing in providing Latam airlines cheap flight booking services. We are dedicated to providing travelers around the world with the best deals on airfare. We understand that planning a trip can be tedious and time-consuming, so we strive to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible. With our website, you can easily book your flights, Manage Bookings, Cancellation Ticket, Travel Assist, and many more with just a few clicks. 按讚 0 則留言 0 paritosh 2022年7月12日 Tourism reloaded India Forum Revenge tourism has just started. Stay away from COVID 按讚 0 則留言 0 Forum - Frameless

  • 2013 | Touriosity | India

    7. March 2013 8. April 2013 Final 6. February 2013 5. January 2013 9. May 2013 10. June 2013 11. July 2013 12. August 2013 13. September 2013 15. November 2013 16. December 2013 14. October 2013 1/1 Let's Go

  • Published Articles | TOURIOSITY

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  • Photos | Touriosity | India

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